Mikko Kokkonen selected as Syklo’s operations director

Engineer and experienced circular economy expert Mikko Kokkonen started as Syklo’s operations director in January. Mikko will be responsible for Syklo’s sorting and treatment business operations and for the development and absorption of new planned treatment sites.

Engineer and experienced circular economy expert Mikko Kokkonen started as Syklo’s operations director at the beginning of January. Mikko is responsible for Syklo’s sorting and treatment business operations and for the development and absorption of new planned treatment sites.

Mikko has previously worked at Lassila & Tikanoja as the manager of the Industrial Services unit, leading the organisation composed of approximately 80 people in a profit-responsible manner. He has extensive experience in development projects, sales, and sales management.

“I originally ended up in the circular economy by coincidence, and I immediately fell in love with the industry. What motivates me in the circular economy is that I can create a better future with green values in mind. Syklo has a really good and clever team, all of whom have a great drive. It was the spirit of the team and the common goal that kindled my interest,” Mikko outlines.

Mikko’s work is based in the Helsinki office. He will also be seen at the Rusko sorting plant in Oulu. In his move to Syklo, Mikko is most anticipating the opportunities offered by Syklo to be involved in a rapidly developing organisation:

“It is really great to be able to grow with the organisation and develop my own circular economy expertise and lead future projects. I look forward to being able to develop the plant side, further waste processing, and implementing meaningful new innovations.”

Syklo is currently in a rapidly developing stage where it is strengthening its position in Oulu’s operations and at the same time, we are aiming to grow in national and even international markets with new recycling solutions.

“Mikko brings his strong experience and vision to Syklo. We’re excited to have him on our team. With his, Syklo is strengthening its position in emerging markets and continuing to implement its growth strategy,” says Teemu Koskela, managing director at Syklo.

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